Lídia asks and Laura gets irritated, I mean, fine

In ‘The Anthill’ (A-3) Vicente Valles He has warned the ants that he always tries to ask questions that slightly annoy the politician he is interviewing. I agree with Valles: the role of a journalist, in front of a politician, should never be that of a masseur.

This brushstroke comes to mind for the interview he just did Lydia Heredia to Laura Borras (‘Els matins’, TV-3). The TSJC magistrate has already completed the investigation phase and the president of the Parliament is now on the verge of being placed on a bench and judged for four crimes of corruption: embezzlement, prevarication, fraud and documentary phase, after dividing 18 contracts to benefit a friend. and naturally Lydia Heredia He asked about it. “According to the record, you were already warned, on several occasions, that you could be committing irregularities, why didn’t you pay attention? (…) What will you do if it is suspended, as stated in the Parlament Regulations, in its article 25.4, for cases like yours? I was asking him respectfully, almost sweetly, Lidia.

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Nevertheless Laura Borras He was receiving the questions with increasing excitement, and he reproached the journalist for addressing this type of issues, accusing her: «You give information that is out of context and takes it for good! (..) With these questions he gives them truth!». That is, the lady Borras got irritated oh! Let’s try to understand her: maybe she thought that going to TV-3 was like going to the hairdresser. In other programs surely yes. But she did not count on the journalist Lydia Heredia He has never been a cheerleader. I remind you of Lidia courageous questions, like those he asked Quim Torra (September 2018) when tower it was ‘president’, and with a bravery, unusual on TV-3, she asked him: «Do you feel that you hold a position or do you feel that you are in charge? (…) Do you really believe that independence can be achieved with 47% in favor? Laura Borras did not calculate well, it is indisputable. She went to sit in one of the few sets of ‘la seva’ where journalism has not become an altar boy.

PS– As I warned on another occasion, when I also expressed here my respect for the journalism of LidiaI beg the management of TV-3 not to take into account my praise. Lydia Heredia It’s not her fault that a considered ‘bad’, ‘suspicious’ and ‘non-believer’ like me admires her.
