Lic. Jessica Castriota | News

Lic What is depression?

Depression, according to the WHO (2022), is a disease and is characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest in activities that were normally enjoyed. An inability to carry out daily activities is also notorious, for at least two weeks.

Work depression is a feeling of deep sadness, continuous discouragement and a general lack of motivation associated with work.

What are the symptoms of workplace depression?

There are different symptoms, including high anxiety levels, thoughts related to work, even when outside of it; you experience low energy and lack of motivation to do things, which can sometimes manifest as boredom in tasks, especially those that were interesting to you before. On Sundays or long holidays, at night feelings of anguish, hopelessness, helplessness or overwhelming guilt usually appear. Increase in work absences or late arrivals or early departures and little tolerance for frustration.

And what advice do you give to someone who considers that they are going through a depressive state at work?

Making small changes in behavior can decrease symptoms, such as taking a 10-minute break from your desk or workplace. Taking a brisk walk during your breaks, even indoors, exercise can be good for your mental health. Practice mindfulness meditation for a few minutes. Do deep breathing exercises throughout the day. Saying “no” to something small will make you feel less stressed during the day.

If your work environment generates confidence, you can contact your supervisor or human resources and discuss what is happening to you. Likewise, contacting a mental health professional will be very important so that you can get through this moment.

Contact information:

Cell: 1150278095

Instagram: @psic.jesica

Facebook: Lic. Castriota Jesica – Psychologist


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