Lic. Isaac Jaber: Subjectivity in the current era

What are usually the reasons for consultation by patients?

The reasons for consultation can be as varied as each singularity. However, beyond the particular case, the clinic can show what are the main problems and desires of the current hypermodern subjectivity. Lacan suggested to the analysts that “it is better for those who cannot unite the subjectivity of the time to resign”, warning us that the clinic is not viable if we are not aware of the time in which we have to practice. This allows the analyst and the patient to be challenged, that is, not only who is analyzing today, but also what the current subject is coming to tell us.

What topics do you currently hear about at the clinic?

There is an increase in queries from women over 35 years of age with difficulty forming a couple. It is very common to hear them badly positioned in front of the partner. They approach men almost masculine, before their hysteria. This is an abandonment of being the cause of desire, it is ignoring the value of the feminine masquerade. If the positioning is inverted, the result is what we see. This advance has not only made men go back, but also modified the discourse of women to the point that they seem to have a phallus. The feminine position against desire is played more on the side of Being, while in men it is on the side of Having. There are no symmetries. Thus, the “market” is very tyrannical with men on the side of Having, as with women on the side of Being. This does not mean that women do not like Having, but simply understand from where it suits them seduce men. On the other hand, the irruption of networks and apps, although they have favored the meeting, have weakened the bond. Today there is no bond and being in a couple is a miracle. Lacan said “there is something in you more than you” that is, there is a point in the other that engages beyond its completeness.

How is the experience with patients from abroad?

I attend Argentines residing abroad but also foreigners in other languages. The pandemic opened the office to the world. I had to learn even the lunfardo of English and Portuguese to attend. In the first world they have other problems but the subject of the unconscious is the same, we are all beings in need. I do notice a greater difficulty with drugs and alcohol, like something from boredom. They have excess comfort. The current hypermodern subjectivity has a theme with jouissance, understood as something that gives us satisfaction and suffering at the same time. The new subject is “jozón”. Having easy access to things is leading them to enjoyment and boredom. You have to limit the enjoyment and work on the know-how over time.


Instagram: @isaacjaber.psychoanalyst

WhatsApp: 011-4160-1587

Mail: [email protected]

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