Lic. Diego Pimentel: Brain Trainer

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a form of Biofeedback. Bio is life, feedback means feedback, in this specific case it allows us to modulate brain activity thanks to brain training. For this training, an amplifier is used that measures brain frequencies, a computer with its software that accounts for the patient’s brain activity and gives the necessary feedback to work on the improvements set as an objective in the first interview.

How did you get to Neurofeedback?

Looking for new treatment alternatives for people with Attention Deficit, I began to investigate Neurofeedback, reaching the following conclusions:

  1. In the beginning it was used first in Universities to carry out research; second at NASA for astronaut brain training; and third in the world of sports to improve reaction times, focus of attention and panoramic attention, etc, to optimize brain functions in people without problems.
  2. Currently, companies in many countries hire neurofeedback specialists to improve the performance of their hierarchical staff,
  3. It is a treatment used mainly by Neuropsychologists for the rehabilitation of brain functions that were delayed in children, but also used with people with brain function deficits, for example the elderly or others who require rehabilitation after a stroke, could delay the deterioration and to improve brain functions.

This is how in 2012 I approached the American group called SmartBrainTech, who trained me and sold my first neurofeedback amplifier created with NASA technology.

What is BrainTrainer?

It is the creation of Peter Van Deusen, a great researcher in the world of Neurofeedback. Brain Trainer is present in 35 countries and has trained more than 450 people in its work model. I trained with Brain Trainer International in 2016, being the first Argentine authorized to work and teach his work model.

How is Brain Trainer different?

We work on brain optimization, initially performing a functional brain scan, obtaining information about what is happening to the person, then, in a second stage, we begin with brain training. It consists of sessions of approximately one hour, designed from the result of the scan.

What information does the scan give?

It gives a lot of information, mainly about the symptoms that the person suffers, which are associated with certain brain patterns. We can find sleep disorders, anxiety (panic, sweating, irritable bowel, OCD, etc.), irritability, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, attention and concentration problems, depression, others associated with executive functions, etc.

What is your goal?

I have already fulfilled the power to offer new treatments to my patients, I am currently focused on growing the Brain Trainer network throughout the country. Professionals and technicians can be trained who have the openness to work interdisciplinary to improve the situations presented by the patient. Also those who are working in the world of business or sports, and people who have a family member who could benefit from this type of treatment, for example parents of a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or with ADHD, etc.

Contact information:

Diego Hernan Pimentel

Bachelor of Psychology mn 27847





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