Libra, be true to your intuition, even when it abounds with other people’s opinions

A brand new (future) weekly horoscope is ready for you: from June 6 to June 12, 2022.

Viola RobbemondtJune 1, 20229:00 am

Gemini 21-5 to 21-6

As an air sign you can feel like a flag at wind force 8. Nice when you’re in love, but difficult in everyday life. The Gemini would do well to dose stimuli, which promotes concentration. Not too much on social media and eating healthy!

Cancer 22-6 to 22-7

The Cancer is lavish with wisdom, a stubborn opinion and honest advice, and gets away with it just fine. The more authentic you show yourself, the harder others fall for everything you create, do and offer.

Leo 23-7 to 22-8

A good time to plan a special summer vacation, because the Lion wants to ‘mean something’. For example, sign up as a volunteer at an event or organization. Need money? Crowdfunding certainly has a chance of success.

Virgo 23-8 to 22-9

Some navel-gazing is now allowed, but don’t sink too deeply into it. Explore your psyche, but know: nothing is perfect. Even pencils have built-in erasers. Cherish the people who make you smile, Virgo, that helps put everything into perspective.

Scale 23-9 to 22-10

Ready to jump? First, research where you are going to land. The Libra puts doubts aside and wants to make decisions too quickly. Be true to your intuition, even when it’s full of other people’s opinions.

Scorpio 23-10 to 21-11

The spiritual Scorpio has premonitions and prophetic dreams this week. The question is: do you do something with them or do they remain hidden. According to the stars, the first option is the best, trust that everything will be all right…or even already is.

Sagittarius 22-11 to 20-12

Making short work of bad habits and putting order in mind, that’s what the Sagittarius does on that typical no nonsense way. Take a closer look at your thoughts, check if they are right, let them go and let it go.

Capricorn 21-12 to 19-1

Stability is nice, but so is stimulation. No need to choose, Capricorn. Just make some simple plans and you’ll be off the treadmill. Beware of overly radical and definitive decisions. Rather a sticky tattoo and a color rinse than ink and hair dye.

Aquarius 20-1 to 18-2

There are more ways to make money, Aquarius. Think of royalties, dividend and commission. Explore these options, they could be very lucrative. Also nice to use for a good cause.

Fish 19-2 to 20-3

Setting priorities and forging clear plans is now the advice. Make it clear by asking yourself what really matters to you, Pisces. If the answer is: peace, space and nature, see if this can be achieved. Moving maybe?

Aries 21-3 to 20-4

The Aries has one goal: to be rich and healthy. Think of formulas to achieve this, preferably a win-win situation in which helping yourself also helps others. Doesn’t work right away? Despair with a smile, that makes you attractive, also for investors.

Taurus 21-4 to 20-5

The Bull has privacy and me time necessary, and that can be disappointing for those around you. Explaining why this is so important now will help your loved ones better understand and maybe even support this process.

Predictions by astrologer Viola Robbemondt.

June 1, 2022
