Libertarians versus fandom: the least expected fight

In the last month, after the presidential debates and general elections of October 22, several screenshots of old tweets from candidates for La Libertad Avanza and even Javier Milei himself began to emerge on Twitter (called that generated rejection in many internet communities and, above all, in music.

The case with the K-Popers had as its main character Victorial Villarruel, candidate for vice president of the bloc led by Javier Milei. On February 10, 2020, almost 4 years ago, the candidate responded to a tweet that said “The band BTS has a social work name” with the following phrase: “Or a sexually transmitted disease.” As soon as the tweet began to spread among the Korean pop fan community, thousands of people began to respond to it and many denounced it for racism and xenophobia. This could have caused Victorial Villarruel’s account to be deleted from the application, but this did not happen.

Victorial Villaruel’s response that sparked the controversy with BTS

A few hours after this scandal, the official fanbase of BTS (the most popular K-pop band and the one that was included in the tweets) repudiated the facts and did not ask for an apology from the candidate, but rather to denounce these tweets. . To further light the flames, Juan Grabois, the other presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria in addition to Sergio Massa, said that “He messes with BTS, he messes with me, evil lady. “You don’t mess with K-pop.” This is because her daughter is a big fan of K-pop and BTS in particular.

BTS Argentina statement
Statement from the BTS Fanbase in Argentina. Credit: @BTSenARG

Guest of honor?

With Taylor Swift, the problem was even bigger than with the K-popers, considered by many to be the most loyal fandom in the world. On the eve of his first time in Argentina, several tweets came to light where Javier Milei, the most important candidate of his political bloc, talked about Taylor Swift and her money, Milei publishing that “Now what are the girls going to say? feminists? “The two celebrities who earn the most are women.” This, added to a tweet where he insulted Taylor’s followers for not letting him sleep, were the straw that broke her camel’s back. There were thousands of responses to these statements by the candidate, many people saw this not only as a mockery of Taylor Swift and her audience, but as an offense to women and feminism, which made the flow of people even greater. .

Javier Milei vs Taylor Swift
Javier Milei’s tweet that caused controversy among Swifties. @JMilei

After this, an account called “@SwiftAgainstLLA” (LLA is the abbreviation of La Libertad Avanza) was created that published a statement where Taylor’s fans spoke out about it: they showed their deep rejection of the candidate, they compared him to Trump for his ideals and described him as “undemocratic.” This account is currently suspended from the platform, but the statement can be obtained by browsing the internet. Such was the magnitude of this statement, that a wall was even seen graffitied with this same slogan.

Swifties Against Freedom Advances Statement
Statement from Swifties Against Liberta Avanza. Today the account is suspended. @SwiftAgainstLLA

But, the controversy is not over yet. On Thursday, November 2, exactly one week before the first of her three shows in River, the Porteño Legislature named Taylor Swift the City’s guest of honor, and only one group opposed this. The only political bloc that voted against this project was La Libertad Avanza, headed in the City of Buenos Aires by Ramiro Marra. The dispute went beyond Twitter and social networks, and has been the biggest controversy that the game had with some fan communities.


In the midst of all these controversies between La Libertad Avanza and the fandoms of foreign artists, the fans of the Rolling Stones and the national rock bands, the “rolingas”, issued a statement similar to that of swifties and k-popers, but with words and more Argentine terms than the previous ones. In this, they talked about the fact that a cultural model is in dispute, they criticized Milei’s proposals, they complained about the prices of tickets to recitals and beer (la birra) and gave their definition of freedom with the song “El León ”, from La Renga, a song that generated a legal dispute between the band and the candidate.

Rolingas Unidos Statement
The rolingas? Also against Javier Milei and La Libertad Avanza. @Rolingcontmilei

With less than 3 weeks until the last runoff between Javier Milei and Sergio Massa, the outlook seems uncertain for both of them, but singer fandoms are quite clear about it. In an election where the young vote represents a large percentage of the voter roll, these conflicts with La Libertad Avanza could lead to changes in the voting of many young people and adults who, above all things, defend their favorite musicians at the point of the sword.

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