Libertadores, Brazilian derby in the final: a journalist attacked “live”

Journalist Vanesa Robles was speaking on TeleAmazonas about safety in the Copa Libertadores final. She was attacked by two individuals who arrived on motorcycles. Both people fled when they realized she was live.

The profession of the journalist is, on certain occasions, risky. Vanesa Robles, journalist of “TeleAmazonas”, the Ecuadorian TV channel, experienced this in the days preceding the Libertadores final between two Brazilian teams, Athletico Paranaense and Flamengo, near the Monumental Isidro Romero Carbo, the Ecuadorian stadium in Guayaquil, theater of the closing of the said tournament.

They didn’t know they were live …

While the reporter was reporting on the security that the event will have, two individuals approached on motorcycles to try to rob her in full live. In the video it is possible to witness what the reporter told them: “Dude, we are live. Will you rob me while we are live?”. Realizing this, the criminals fled.

When they escaped, Vanesa Robles saw a policeman coming and warned him to go after them after the attempted robbery. The broadcaster’s director went to the place where it all happened and the victim confessed that when they saw her at work around the stadium they told her to be careful, as she could be robbed.

The Minister of Sport, Sebastián Palacios, echoed what happened near the stadium where the Libertadores final will be held and announced that the safety of the event will be fully guaranteed, as they have devised a safety and emergency plan with the Conmebol and the Minister of the Interior for some time: “We have reduced all the possibilities that criminal acts exist”.

The Guayaquil stadium will be full. It has a capacity of 57,267 spectators and it is estimated that there will be around 50,000 spectators in the stands. The safety of the event will be essential taking into account the latest precedents in Argentine and Brazilian football, so there will be 10,000 soldiers and 500 military professionals.
