Libero Cinema in Libera Terra: the film festival will be on tour from 11 to 20 July

TOThe assets are there 228 stages, 170 films and 157 thousand kilometers traveled so far: the eighteenth edition of Free Cinema in the Free Landthe longest-running traveling cinema festival.

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Promoted by Cinemovel Foundation And Freea network of associations against the mafia founded by Don Luigi Ciotti, the review will take place from 11 to 20 July and will bring six first works by Italian directors, on tour from Messina to Modica, from Ancona to Turin.

The films presented are September by Giulia Steigerwalt We will be young and beautiful by Letizia Lamartire Amanda by Carolina Cavalli, Small body by Laura Samani Bella Ciao – For freedom by Giulia Japanese, The circle by Sophie Chiarello.

Celeste Cescutti in “Small body” by Laura Samani.

The opening of the Festival on July 11 will be in Messina, in land confiscated from the mafia in Mili Marina and returned to the community. The second stage in Sicily on 12 a Modica with the Libero Cinema screen arriving in the Trippiedi district. On July 13, the traveling cinema arrives in Piazza della Repubblica a Polistena in the province of Reggio Calabria.

On July 15th and 16th double stage in Puglia in Caprarica di Lecce, in the large courtyard of via Roma. On July 17 the cine van stops at Ancona in the school yard Thank you Tavernelle. On 18 July for the first time the caravan of Free Cinema in the Free Land stops at Perugia in Piazza Birago.

The poster of the eighteenth edition of “Libero Cinema in Libera Terra”

The day after, July 19, anniversary of the Via d’Amelio massacre the traveling cinema against the mafias will stop, for the first time at Sorbol, in the province of Parma. Here, in the Municipality of Sorbolo-Mezzani at the conclusion of the Aemilia trial more than 150 assets were confiscated.

Finally in Turin, on 20 Julyin the courtyard of the Parrocchia del Sacro Cuore which was the seat of the Cinema Cuore for many years, closed for some time now and which will again host the magic of the big screen for one evening.


