Libero and Virgilio mail work: there will be refunds for users

After almost a week of blocks and interruptions, Italiaonline has announced that it will reimburse “the users involved in the disruption”

Libero and Virgilio mail users can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After almost a week of blocks and interruptions, Italyonlinethe company that manages both services has communicated that it will reimburse (indeed it will offer a “refreshment”, as they define it) “the user involved in the disservice”.

the refund methods

The refund, the company still communicates, will have “different methods depending on the subscribed servicesby individual users. In the coming days, in fact, the company itself will provide information on the “types of refreshments”, “through messages delivered to the e-mail boxes of all our users”.

five days of bugs

The news, as mentioned, comes after almost a week of difficulty: 5 days, to be precise. The last January 23rd, there was a blockage caused by a bug in the new operating system adopted by the company, which also triggered heated reactions from consumer associations. “The restore process is now complete of all the accessory functions of the Libero Mail and Virgilio Mail – they write in the official press release – and also access to e-mails through the Libero Mail App has been fully available for iOS users since yesterday”. For those who still experience problems with the services, the company invites you to call green number 800 591 829 or to consult the questions and answers pages published online.
