Liberals and socialists are trying out CD&V with a lot of ideas about how to abort, but nothing happens: “Waarom geen gratis anticonceptie in de plaats?” | Inland

When the abortion procedure is carried out in the abortion clinic, the noise from the spook will be in the Wetstraat. The socialists and liberal will of the term have opted for two eight-year-olds, they can hunt with the Pleidooi coalitiepartner CD&V in the harnas. “Waarom kan geen werk gemaakt van gratis anticonceptie, in plaats van een soepelere abortuswetgeving?”, says CD&V-voorzitter Sammy Mahdi zich af.

More than 8,300 French women died in 2023 and had an abortion – an absolute record. Sea in 165 people – it is in the reality that there is a lot of light – most of the greens in the Netherlands are overstated, and the weather conditions of 2000 people can be seen in the same way.

The abortus in Belgium has to do with three maands of compulsory abortion, but it is still a long time from the progressive part of the party. Toen de regering na de verkiezingen in 2019 in lopende zaken was, sampleerde a coalitie of socialists, liberals, greens and communists meermaals a versoepeling te stemmen in the federal parliament. This offered steeds on a wall of the ethical-conservative partijen CD&V, N-VA and Vlaams Belang. Tijdens de formatie will be the abortuskvestie zelfs a breakpoint for CD&V. Uiteindelijk kon de partij in the regeerakkoord get the Vivaldi altijd in consensus moet beslissen about ethical knowledge, maar he will also be bestlisted by a group of experts zich in a wetenschappelijk advices most uitspreken about an eventual versoepeling.

Nobody is entitled to an abortion, we may not be able to get into an opbod. It is for CD&V and more large

CD&V voorzitter Sammy Mahdi

Hun rapport zag midden maart the levenslicht and bankruptcy unaniem for a termijn van Achttien. Open Vld en Vooruit zien daarom geen to talk more about the talmen: zij willen hun wetsvoorstel in the parlement agenderen en erover stemmen. “We hope that CD&V will be available in the fundamental right for everyone,” says voorzitter Tom Ongena (Open Vld). Maar dat zijn de Christian democrats niet van plan. This is written for the father of Sammy Mahdi (CD&V) in absolute sizes, with the result of the report on the fetus from a vijftien weken pijnprikkels developed. “No one is entitled to abortion, we may never get into an opbod terechtkomen. It is for CD&V and more large. “What does it mean, per se, a soepelere abortuswet comen and can it never be made quickly with free anticonceptie, zoals condooms?”

This means that the words can be heard by the liberals and socialists who also have an effect on the agenda of the chamber. Maar zelfs then is not yet mentioned by him or her. In the verleden heeft CD&V het voorstel al three keer naar de Raad van State gestuurd. The contracting maneuver was carried out by the Christian Democrats on a large scale, as it had an effect on the state agenda. For the progressive partijen, this also never comes too badly: the ethical knowledge is for a dreamed campaign topic.

Aantal abortussen in Vlaanderen stijgt tot 23 per dag (and then tweet TikTok and Instagram for these things) (+)

What does it cost? Can you still do it? Can you ever work again? 18 vragen over abortus beantwoord (+)
