Libelle Explains: does ORS help with a hangover?

After sagging, waking up so refreshed as if nothing had happened: it sounds ideal. The question is whether ORS is indeed such a panacea or whether this tip should be sent to the realm of myth.

What is ORS?

ORS is a mixture of salts and grape sugar that you take to prevent you from dehydration due to, for example, watery diarrhea and vomiting. Two reasons people take it on vacation, for example. You dissolve the powder (or effervescent tablet) in water and then drink it to make up for the loss of water, sugars and salts. The powder is available at supermarkets and drugstores, so you don’t need a prescription.

ORS as a hangover cure

Alcohol has a diuretic effect and is therefore one of the causes behind the popping headache that comes with a hangover. That is why an ORS powder on paper is an ‘interesting’ anti-hangover drug, says Ben Witteman, doctor and professor of nutrition and intestinal health at Wageningen University, in conversation with the AD

“You absorb more fluids, so it could help a little with the headache. Although that is purely theoretical. I doubt it really works. No scientific research has been done into this indication,” says Ben Witteman.

According to Estelle Cruijff, the stuff works wonders. “You know what always helps me? Before I go to sleep I take an ORS bag and two paracetamol,” she says in video below

The best remedy

According to Ben Witteman, there is one best way to fight the hangover: make sure you don’t get one. “Alcohol may be socially accepted, but of course it’s just poison.” That’s why he recommends having a glass of water instead of a glass of alcohol if “the evening gets out of hand.” According to professor Tara Grauwet of the KU Leuven, this is also the best remedy.

It is therefore unknown whether ORS really helps to make your hangover disappear. Who knows, it may help alleviate the symptoms or is it simply a placebo effect that gives users a boost.

Glass too much on last night? Make this delicious green smoothie within five minutes and we promise you: you will feel a lot better.

Source: PharmacyAD

June 21, 2022
