Lia van Bekhoven about the crisis at Downing Street

Now the government of Boris Johnson verder afbrokkelt, rijst de vraag of the Britse premier de zoveelste crisis in Downing Street overleeft. No, according to correspondent Lia van Bekhoven. ‘The game has started.’

Thomas Buelens6 July 202212:21

The position of Johnson is in the end a half-year change, what is known about the new crack before the premiership?

Van Bekhoven: “Veel hangt af van de afwegingen die de Kamerleden maken: ‘What do you think about me?’ The middle backbencher thinks: I can’t see anything like that, unfortunately, as Johnson, or is it possible that I can’t have a dungeon in the following verkiezingen? Now there is a clear position for Johnson that he is a candidate who outperforms all others. Omdat he geen alternative is for Johnson wordt he geen campaign gevoerd by other fractieleden. When het aan hem ligt, there is still trembling. Zijn voorgangers zouden al long zijn afgetreden.”

Which scenario’s zijn mogelijk?

“Het is nu aan de partij om hem af te zetten, maar he zijn veel verschillende scenario’s. The most important thing is: what is being done with the two cabinets that are stated (Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid, TB)? Reveal all the other things? Can you put yourself as a candidate for the right to fight against a party in the case of a rebellion?”

“There is a possibility that there are more chambers pending by the 1922 Commission, an organization that verifies the concerns of the conservation of fractions. Heeft a couple of works done in a motive van wantrouwen om Johnson te housing. Volgens de regels kan je die stemming maar één keer per jaar houden, dus Johnson zou technically gezien veilig zijn. Maar the commission krijgt nu ontzettend veel brieven within van other Kamerleden the de regels will change om a nieuwe vertrouwensmotie in te serve. I think that’s what’s going to happen.”

Can Johnson exceed a new trustworthiness?

“Nope. Hij zal het never overleven anyway. Here it can not come from terugkomen. Het is a kwestie van dagen of weken, but that is de endgame. Hij is really zo aangeschoten, hij kan het nog uitzingen, maar dit is a doodsstrijd. Je kan nog heel long op je sterfbed blijven, maar hij ligt er wel op. When he nog twee of three ministers van het kaliber van Sunak en Javid dinsdagavond were opgestapt, dan zat hij nu niet meer in Downing Street.”

“Dit gaat also niet om beleid of over politiek. Dit gaat om de person. That’s so interesting. Toen Margaret Thatcher most of the talk went het not all about hair drag, but also about hair politics. That’s not the case with Johnson: it’s really over the man. Het gaat over integrity, narcisme. Hij really worked that de regels not voor hem money.”

There remains a number of ministers within a cabinet in his office. Why?

“Absolutely. Dat zijn mensen van dermate middelmaat, who hun career alleen te hebben aan Johnson. Want so opportunistic is het: mensen as Nadine Dorries and Jacob Rees-Mogg weten dat than zij zich nu tegen Johnson keren zij nooit meer aan een baan geraken. Daarom blijven ze zitten. Johnson has accepted all maar mensen on the basis of loyalty to a hem on the first plaats and a red flag in Brexit on the two plaats.”

Is this the greatest crisis for Johnson and can it be for the Labor party?

“Met oog op de folgende landsverkiezingen had Labor veel liever gezien dat Johnson still hang bleef. If you want, unfortunately, you can win the sale. That was de berekening within the opposition party. Since Johnson is just gone, it can be the best thing that he has ever done. That’s why the job has to be done for Labor to win. Labor state he also didn’t go for it. With a derogijke crisis had an opposing party to all the points that were wanted. That is not the case, unfortunately, it is not a response and it is insulting. Much mensen weten not was Labor in front of the state.”
