Lewis Hamilton shot down Fernando Alonso’s comments

Lewis Hamilton said he laughed at Fernando Alonso’s prank.

Lewis Hamilton shot a counter ball to Fernando Alonso. PDO

Lewis Hamilton finally decided to comment on the uproar that arose during the race weekend in Mexico, in which he and his racing partner were at the center Fernando Alonso.

At that time, Alonso roared an ill-advised statement about Hamilton, which caused an uproar in the F1 pit.

Max’s (Verstappen) world championships are more significant than Lewis’s. I respect Lewis a lot, but in seven world championship seasons he had to compete only against his teammate, the Spaniard shot at the weekend.

Hamilton initially only responded to the comment on Twitter by posting a photo of himself standing on the highest podium – next to his McLaren teammate Alonso, who finished second.

After the dust settled in the aftermath of the commotion, the British driver gave an interview to the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf and presented his own view on the matter.

– Those comments make me cringe, if I’m completely honest. But I have always tried to be respectful of others, he said Motorsport website by.

– For example, if I’ve been asked who I think is the better of two drivers, I’ve always tried to praise the others.

Mercedes team manager Toto Wolff doesn’t think his protégé Hamilton will be affected by the rant in any way.

– This kind of thing creates headlines, and they are a big part of this sport. They are both great world champions. Alonso now just likes to throw thorns at others. I don’t think it will bother Lewis at all, Wolff stated.
