Lewis Hamilton finally opened up about the scandalous race that ended the F1 championship

Lewis Hamilton returned to the events of last season’s final race.

Lewis Hamilton lost the F1 championship last season in the final race. PDO

Seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton said For Vanity Fair magazinethat he doesn’t like driving on normal roads.

According to Hamilton, driving on the roads is too stressful.

Hamilton was driving with a Vanity Fair reporter near the city of Nice when the traffic jammed.

– This is stressful for me. This road is crazy, so much going on at the same time.

Hamilton also told the magazine about his thoughts, which were running through the British driver’s mind at the end of last season’s final race in Abu Dhabi.

With five laps to go, Williams’ Nicholas Latifi made a driving mistake and hit the wall. As a result of the crash, a safety car entered the track.

FIA competition manager Michael Masin with decisions, Max Verstappen got into Hamilton’s position, passed him and celebrated the world championship.

– My worst fears came true. I didn’t think they could pull this off me.

Hamilton did not speak about the incident for weeks.

– I really thought about whether I should even continue (competing).

– I don’t know if I can put words to those feelings. Remember sitting in the car in disbelief. I realized I had to unbuckle the seat belt, get out of there. I have to find the strength. I had no strength. It was one of the hardest moments in a long, long time.

The Mercedes driver’s season has been challenging. Mersu’s car has not been as fast as Ferrari’s or Red Bull’s.

However, in the last games, Hamilton has managed to drive on the podium in the previous five races.
