Lewis Hamilton commented on the new brief rule

Lewis Hamilton wonders about new policies.

Mersun constellation Lewis Hamilton told the media about a special driver meeting of the Australian GP held before the race.

– It was the longest press conference of my life. I’ve been driving for a long time, and driver meetings have never lasted that long, Hamilton began his settlement.

At the meeting, the drivers were especially reminded that they must have fireproof underwear approved by the International Automobile Federation (FIA) in the future.

– I don’t really understand that they bring up such small things as underwear. Are we really talking about such things now? Hamilton wondered Racing News 365according to.

The new kalsari rule has surprised others as well, as it was a bit unclear for drivers to control it, for example. AlphaTaurin Pierre Gasly threw the flap on it.

– If they want to check on my ass, you’ll get permission. I have nothing to hide. My cock, everyone. If it makes them happy, then please, Gasly said according to GP Fans.

Hamilton was also disturbed at the driver meeting by the fact that not everyone wore a face mask there, although the coronavirus pandemic is still raging around the world.

– Some of the drivers wore a mask, but most of the FIA ​​people did not. It was uncomfortable for me, Hamilton said.

Lewis Hamilton wondered why the new lingerie rules were ground for so long at a driver meeting. AOP
