Lewis Hamilton changes his last name

Lewis Hamilton plans to use his mother’s last name.

Lewis Hamilton wants his mother’s last name to continue the name Hamilton. AOP

Seven-time F1 champion Lewis Hamilton plans to change his last name, reports Mirror.

According to Mirror, Hamilton, 37, plans to add his mother’s last name after Hamilton’s name.

Hamilton’s mother’s name is Carmen Larbalestier.

– I am very proud of my family name Hamilton. In fact, none of you may know that my mother’s last name is Larbalestier, Hamilton said at the Dubai Expo, according to Mirror.

Hamilton’s father Anthony Hamilton and Larbalestier divorced while Lewis Hamilton was a toddler. Lewis Hamilton lived with his mother until he was 12 years old.

– I do not fully understand the idea when women lose their (family) name when they get married. I want his name to continue the name of Hamilton, he continued.

Hamilton’s name will therefore likely be Lewis Hamilton-Larbalestier in the future.

However, Hamilton said he did not think the name would be in use this coming weekend in the Bahrain race.

Hamilton is chasing his eighth world championship. He finished second in the World Championship points last season in the final race of the season in Abu Dhabi.

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