Lewandowski, Bayern lock him down: ‘He must respect the contract’

The striker has already chosen Barcelona but there is a veto by honorary president Hoeness and is now expected to retire on Tuesday

Hours full of tension. Robert Lewandowski is expected to arrive in Munich in training camp, scheduled for Tuesday morning. Maik Barthel, former agent of the Pole, however, said that he would not be surprised if Lewandowski decides to go on strike and not appear in retirement to force the transfer to Barcelona. The Polish forward is pushing to go to Catalonia and has publicly stated that he believes his adventure in Bavaria is over. However, the German club does not want to feel blackmailed.

The situation

In recent days, the managing director Kahn explained that Bayern has no intention of losing the player in the summer, even at the cost of seeing him leave on a free transfer in a year (his contract expires in 2023), but his statements they seem more of a facade than anything else: in the face of an offer of about 50 million the Germans would be ready to negotiate. According to Bild, honorary president Hoeness would be much more uncompromising in this regard: “Even if I don’t decide – explained Hoeness – I think Barcelona can save themselves a new offer because Lewandowski has to respect the contract here”. In reality, Hoeness’s opinion also influences the work of the current leaders, which is why Lewandowski must hope that the veto of the honorary president is not definitive. According to Bild, Bayern have even come up with a plan to replace Lewandowski in a year if the Pole were to leave on a free transfer. The idea would be to take Kane, taking advantage of the fact that the attacker’s contract is expiring in 2024 and Tottenham, in a year, could lower the requests for the sale of him. For the moment it is only an idea, because Bayern must first understand at what level the tension with Lewandowski is. And in this sense they will be very delicate hours …
