Levenslang voor man the 10 cafeterias neerschoot in metro New York | Buitenland

The 64-year-old Frank James, who was shot in a high-pressure metro in New York in April last year, was sentenced to life on Thursday.

The American will be veroordeeld to the law bank to the levenslange prison sentences plus the year “because of the meest gewelddadige aanvallen ooit op het openbaar vervoer van de stad”. James confessed in January that he was guilty of terrorism and wapenbezit. His advocates had a conviction for eight years in spirit.

The man opened his eyes to the streets of the trains on the way to the metro station in Sunset Park in Brooklyn. Hij zette vlak voor akomst a gas masker op en liet twee rookbommen afgaan voordat hij with a semiautomatik vuurwapen 33 pods loose. James shot the men and women in the following panic. Nobody gets dooded.

“Vandaag is Frank James veroordeeld voor zijn op slipijke terreurdaad tegen onze stad”, zei James Smith, head of the FBI in New York, in a verklaring. “Hij had as a doel onguile mensen te moorden, die gewoon hun dagelijkse leven doorbringen in de ochendspits.”

KIJK. Beelden tonen de arrestatie of Frank James and then on the dodelijke shooting party

Psychic aandoening

James was born in the state of New York and in the neighboring state of New Jersey. The accusation was made by a few reeks, which included three small diefstallen and wanordelijk gedrag (2007) and Huisvredebreuk (1992).

The 64-year-old American placed the afgelopen jaren tientallen videos on sociale media waarin hij de VS described as a racist plek overspoeld door geweld. Hij went into the film pieces also nimble tekeer tegen de burgemeester van New York. “I’ve got a lot of pain in my heart’s content,” he said in a film that was made on the YouTube channel ‘prophetoftruth88’. “I’m happy with everything, with everything and with bitterness.”

You take your own actions into psychological training. The Gezondheidsdiensten of New York is not a ‘horror show’. An instelling was that James was being treated, accused by van Geweld. “Geen fysiek geweld, maar het soort geweld dat a child op de lagere school meemaakt en waardoor hij a wapen zou gaan halen om motherf*ckers neer te schieren.”

KIJK. These were the first pictures that were to be taken away from the shooting
