Levante remembers on Instagram his father who passed away 26 years ago

C.i are memories destined to last forever. Even after many years. He knows it well Levant which, 26 years after the death of his father, he shared on Instagram a moving memory linked to the father figure. The artist did not pass the pain of the loss of his father, who died prematurely from a tumor. That pain is still with her. Even though he has changed, he has become an “adult”. And ready to be told and shared.

Levante and the post in memory of his father

Twenty-six years ago my father died. At six in the afternoon, on a hot day, in the house of Palagonia. For years her mother has said that he had died from “the evil of the century”. Even today the grandmother Rosalia does not say it, tumor, does not say. Sometimes it also tires me to say it, to hear it said ». Thus begins the long Instagram post in which the singer recounts her experience with the death of her father.

From shame to acceptance

Mourning is a personal experience that everyone lives at their own pace and in their own way. “It took me a long time to get rid of that sense of shame for losing dad», Reveals the singer. «I never asked my therapist why I felt ashamed… but I have been talking about it aloud, often, for many years now, even putting others in difficulty. Saying it, perhaps, served to convince me of her absence and to accept her. The Doc says I cry like it happened yesterday, in reality it only happens if I take off the mask… otherwise it’s twenty-six years and so a lifetime ago », she continues.

Yet despite all these years, the pain hasn’t gone away. “It’s an adult pain, he has a driving license, he graduated, he is a graduate. Yet it’s all razor sharp in front of my eyes»Concludes the artist.

The support of the fans and of Sandra Milo

A post for which Levante has received many comments of affection and support from fans and followers. Including celebrities from the world of entertainment: from Laura Pausini to Valeria Solarino and Francesco Renga. As far as Sandra Milo who dedicated a comment full of affection to the music star. “I understand your grandmother. At one time using the word tumor was experienced as a stigma, it was preferred to say “bad disease” or “incurable disease” as if being affected was a fault or worse a shame to hide. I lost my mother, terminally ill with metastases spread throughout her body, when I was only twenty-nine and pregnant with my first child whom she never saw born. She was 52 »says the actress. That she thus shares her experience of her by recognizing herself in Levante’s words.

«I identify with you, I understand you, I feel what you feel as if you were me. For years I have had the same feeling, for years I have felt guilty but for different reasons that have more to do with euthanasia than with death in and of itself. I embrace you with all the affection capable of telling you not to feel alone or different because the pain that has gone through you, the sense of guilt that has lived in you for years is common to many and sharing it makes us feel equal to others “.

