Levante breastfeeds on the street: splendid acts in a public place

D.when she became a mother in February, Levante has eyes only for his little Alma. The singer never misses an opportunity to reiterate how her life has changed with the birth of her baby girl. But also for clearing prejudices and taboos on motherhood. Not by chance shared on Instagram a shot in which she appears intent on breastfeeding on the street.

Levante and breastfeeding on the street

The raised shirt and the baby attached to the breast while the singer walks down the street in broad daylight.

Gorgeous deeds in a public place»He wrote on social media. Challenging anyone who considers breastfeeding something to be done privately or covertly. And joining them all star mothers who are clearing breastfeedingshowing up on social media during one of the most beautiful moments shared between mother and baby.

Never without a stroller

To accompany the image, the Italian music star shared a caption in which she describes her new life as a mother.

I laugh a lot more than before. I also cry, but not the same as before. I’m writing a record that I feel is wonderful, because I’m growing and growing up is wonderful, “he wrote. Concluding with a notice addressed to anyone who wants to look for her at this moment: where does she go also for her daughter. “Alma and I are inseparable, for biological and non-biological issues. For any appointment with me, reserve a hole for the stroller“.

Alma has a dad and a mom

Not just breastfeeding. In recent days, Levante has also launched another provocation on social media. “Alma’s ECG. Me in the waiting room. Pietro enters with the child and the doctor asks about the mother»Writes the singer in a post shared among the Instagram Stories. “Either let us both in or don’t ask,” she added. Pointing out: “Alma has a mom and a dad, but if one of the two isn’t there (especially me) it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone ». Because, if the mother cannot be replaced for breastfeeding, for everything else there is a father you can count on.

