lettuce celebrates its victory

Liz Truss, the woman who 24 hours ago defiantly declared in the British Parliament “I am a fighter, not someone who gives up”, has finally submitted her resignation this Thursday afternoon. Truss has only spent 45 days at the head of the Executive, and she has become the shortest prime minister in the history of the United Kingdom.

Many have taken advantage of this milestone in the country’s history to remember it in a humorous way through various ‘memes’ on social networks. The most famous has been a battle between a lettuce and the [ex]Prime Minister, a challenge promoted by the tabloid ‘Daily Star’ that consisted of an infinite direct to see what could last longer, if a lettuce or Liz Truss in power. And the lettuce has won.

Echo in social networks

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In social networks like Twitter, the ‘memes’ have not been slow to appear to laugh at the short duration of Truss.

Ryanair, for example, has published a departure ticket from London with a random destination, referring to the fact that now you can go wherever you want. There have also been users who have compared the last photograph taken by the late Queen Elizabeth and Liz Truss: “You have little left. And you.” Others have chosen to make ‘memes’ with scenes from The Simpsons.
