Let’s talk about your finances with Nicolás Rampinini

Nicolás Rampinini was introduced to the world of finance thanks to his father, and despite the global financial crisis of 2008/09 he decided to take the leap to pursue what he was passionate about, being a financial advisor.

“It was a bet, it was the possibility of trying myself in a commercial role, providing a necessary service in our society. Where financial planning is often the best (or the only) antidote we have to operate in our challenging economic context” Mentions Nicolás

How did your journey into the world of finance begin?

In 2007 I was close to entering an investment bank (Lehman Brothers) but the process came to nothing, a stroke of luck actually because the bank went bankrupt in 2008. In this context, this opportunity appeared in the consultancy, and it happened that an acquaintance had walked in a couple of months earlier. I chatted with him, he was doing very well and that was the push I needed to cheer up. For me it represented a total change of paradigm because it implied leaving a multinational and a dependency relationship.

In this activity I found a social role, a service that has a huge impact on people’s lives. I am convinced that in all the meetings I have I can add something; We create a space for reflection.

It is not common for us to share what we earn or how we invest our savings, culturally it is not a talk that we have, and there is no other professional space to touch it. My work starts from that listening. It is not a question of which is the best tool, but of which tool you need at the moment in which you find yourself.

What is your main goal for your customers?

Help them, they have to win first for my work to make sense. It seems simple but to achieve it I need to earn their trust and open up to me. Give me the space to ask questions before making any recommendations. The most important thing that we invest is the time to get to know each other, that is the core of my work: listening to them and that in this process they also listen to each other and can question the decisions they have been making up to that point.

Each client comes to the chat with their experiences and if they are not able to “audit” them it is unlikely that they will go beyond what they know or what they are already doing.

Why do we need a financial adviser?
Anyone with no investment knowledge needs advice. With few exceptions, in the world investing is a optionin Argentina it is a need; we live with very high inflation and we have to invest in self-defense. Much more when we talk about achieving significant goals (house, change of profession, retirement, etc.), we need knowledge that unfortunately we do not have. The first step to get started is education, reading to have some frame of reference (“Rich father poor father” either “The Psychology of Money” I love them) and the next thing is to chat with a financial advisor, the right one will be the one who listens to you and makes your objectives the north of your work.

Those who wish can contact me through my social networks; via Instagram @nr.asesorfinanciero, on my website nrampinini.com or on LinkedIn (Nicolás Rampinini)

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