“Let’s learn to feed ourselves in a conscious, revitalizing and harmonious way”

Antonela, what recipes, tips and eating habits do you offer your patients?

Through my Instagram account anto_nutricion, I promote teaching, providing tools, healthy recipes, explaining food properties, tips, and before and after photos of the results of patients with their changes in habits. Daily motivating and promoting a natural, real and integral quality of life, without submitting to fad diets, restricting or eliminating foods (nutrients).

“Eating ourselves in harmony, without counting calories or starving, is the key to success.”

What are the technological resources that you use in your office?

Currently, I work in a face-to-face and virtual office, working in a personalized way with each patient. I use a high-tech tool that allows me to assess you without focusing on weight, but on your body composition.

In general, in the first consultation, the Body Analysis study is carried out, using a high-tech Bioimpedance system that allows obtaining precise results of the patient, such as % of total body fat, visceral (abdominal) fat, muscle mass, body age , % of body water, bone mass (bone mineral weight), muscle quality, among others.

It is a non-invasive system, which in just seconds and quickly travels by means of a bioelectric current, passing through our muscles, bones and blood vessels, due to the large percentage of water they contain. However, fat mass is not a good conductor, generating resistance to the passage of this current. This tool was designed with a medical and scientific endorsement that is currently having a great scope for our professional work.

“Making good decisions with food are good investments.”

What aspects do you emphasize in the patient’s first consultation?

Our teaching towards the patient is of great importance. At the time of starting a nutritional treatment, many factors play on the scene, which must be known and analyzed. Looking inside ourselves, asking ourselves how we feel, what our fears are, what we would like to achieve, change, and try to fight for what we need to feel complete and comfortable is what I work on in the consultation.

“To be able to evolve towards a process of transformation, healing ourselves from the inside to the outside”.

What are the keys to a healthy diet?

A healthy diet consists of being balanced, nutritious, natural, real and conscious. Free of additives, preservatives, colorings and flavorings. It is of the utmost importance that we avoid daily including foods that are refined, high in sugar, sodium, saturated fat and low in fiber. When choosing a food we must read its ingredients and the nutritional table. Not be guided only by calories, or by trendy products that often end up being misleading and harmful to our health. You have to be smart consumers.

You should never suffer for carrying out a healthy diet. We must enjoy our food, choosing and preparing it at home. At mealtime, this should be a rewarding and healing act. Our conscious and unconscious feelings are the ones that we must control and recognize in order to obtain the best control over what we are doing.

There is no food that is prohibited or harmful, we just have to know how to identify that we all deserve to eat something that we like, that we want and that gives us pleasure. We must re-educate ourselves every day and allow ourselves to heal.


Nutritionist Antonela Alesandrini

WhatsApp: 15-21782009

Instagram: anto_nutricion

Mail: [email protected]

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