Leontine Ruiters reflects on her mother’s birthday with a beautiful photo

In a personal post on Instagram, Leontine reflects on that loss.

Loaded month for Leontine Riders

“May is perhaps my favorite month”, Leontine begins her story under a photo of her and her mother. “The chilly, gray winter is over and the sun is showing itself regularly and feeling its warmth again. Nature has awakened and shows its beauty, everything is in bloom and there are again plenty of beautiful flowers available, including my favorite peonies.” But it is also the month in which she lost her parents.

Grief and gratitude

Her father passed away on May 9, 1996 and her mother on May 19, 2017. “Mama was buried on May 24, on her birthday, and that was actually very special. Of course there was a lot of sadness, but also a lot of gratitude,” Leontine writes. Leontine describes how the grandchildren ‘danced around her coffin, as she always did around the table with them when they were little’.

She closes her post with a congratulations to her mother. “Dear mommy, congratulations, have a party up there with daddy.”

From Leontine Borsato to Leontine Ruiters

Leontine has renounced the name Borsato and has been using her maiden name Ruiters since April. She announced this in a special way: via a Q&A on the account of her dog Obi Ruiters. Here a follower asked why the dog has Ruiters as a last name and not Borsato. The administrator of the account responded: “Good question. Mama Leontine is officially called Leontine Ruiters again.”

Marco and Leontine’s relationship has been through a lot, and still is. This medium has helped them before:

Source: Instagram

May 24, 2022
