Leontine Ruiters’ new lover is disappointed with RTL Boulevard: “Not happy”

Multimillionaire John Huiberts, Leontine Ruiters’ new lover, is not happy that he is suddenly under a magnifying glass from the show media. “He didn’t like that we called.”

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Leontine Ruiters, Marco Borsato’s ex-lover, has a new lover: the unknown multimillionaire John Huiberts. Their relationship was leaked through juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer and to prevent the rumor mill from working overtime, he immediately confirmed their relationship to RTL Boulevard.

John confirms relationship

The wealthy John states that it is true that Leontine and he are discovering each other. “We met by chance through a mutual friend. That’s how this came about. It was very unexpected for both of them. We’re dating and discovering each other and that’s really nice and a lot of fun,” he says.

According to Daphne Bunskoek, the presenter of RTL Boulevard, the editors of the program spoke briefly with John ‘under light pressure’. “That’s how we are. What else did he actually say?” she asks reporter Aran Bade.

‘He’s not happy about it’

Aran states that John is not too happy with the media attention. “Well, he didn’t like it much, Daphne. It is of course completely new to him that showbiz calls. He said: ‘Actually I would have liked to keep it under wraps, we wanted to keep it exciting that no one knew.’ But yes, at a party something went wrong with a friend.”

There they were spotted by a spy of Yvonne. “By the way, a salient detail: it would have been said that no Marco Borsato music could be played on that evening, ‘because Leontine is here’. Well, and finally he said, “We’re dating and discovering each other.” That is really a term that Leontine often uses.”


Luuk Ikink finds it very striking that Leontine’s new lover is also a multimillionaire, just like Marco. “If you do a little searching, the first thing you discover about this man is that he is a multimillionaire.”

Aran: “Yes, he is a multimillionaire. It’s never even the dentist or the butcher or the baker around the corner. It’s just a millionaire. Leontine also had that with Marco. I have to say: that’s where all similarities with Marco end.”

140 million euros

Leontine’s new lover is worth no less than 140 million euros, according to Aran. He states that unknown rich people often prefer to stay out of the public eye. “Millionaires who go with celebrities don’t really like that. You see that with Tatyana Simic too. It’s with Lex van Hessen. Then they kind of disappear from the media. That’s what happened to Gigi Ravelli.”

He continues: “I have a feeling that that will happen with Leontine too, because they don’t want media attention like this.”
