Leontine Ruiters and new lover in the picture, big on Story cover

Leontine Ruiters and her new lover John Huiberts were photographed together for the first time. Paparazzo Edwin Smulders of the Story has captured the two in Ibiza on the sensitive plate.

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It’s definitely over and over between Leontine Ruiters and her ex-lover Marco Borsato. She has now hooked up a new multimillionaire: John Huibers. And the Story has the scoop of the first photos together. ‘Leontine is so in love! Overjoyed with John during romantic holiday in Ibiza,” reads today’s cover.

Spotted in Ibiza

There are no fewer than fourteen (!) photos of Leontine and John in the latest edition of Story. “John can’t help but smile broadly when Story photographer Edwin Smulders comes to take the first pictures in the harbor of the Spanish island of Ibiza,” editor-in-chief Guido den Aantrekker writes in the magazine.

He continues: “That John is a lucky man with beautiful Leontine by his side, even bystanders from a few hundred meters away could see! After Story had already photographed the two at the airport, the couple in love made no secret of their romance later in the harbor.”


Leontine and John sailed to the neighboring island of Formentera, among others. “Although Leontine and John emphasize that their relationship is still in an early stage, the Story photos prove beyond doubt that there is really no stopping it!”

The two had previously traveled to Antwerp together, but now, according to the Story, they ‘visibly release all brakes on Ibiza’. “If you just look at the photos in which Leontine leans against John’s strong body with a blissful look, you can only draw one conclusion: Leontine is head over heels in love!”

story cover

The cover of the new Story, which is in stores from today:
