Leonora farewell by Paolo Taviani: the review by Paolo Mereghetti

Matteo Pittiruti in a moment of the film “Leonora Addio” by Paolo Taviani

Kind: Analytical reflection in the form of a film
Directed by Paolo Taviani. With Fabrizio Ferracane, Claudio Bigagli, Matteo Pittiruti, Dania Marino, Dora Becker, Jessica Piccolo Valerani, Freddy Drabble

Perhaps this film should be watched with the help of a psychoanalyst, it resounds so much with allusions and repressions, starting with the title of the film, since you don’t hear a note from Verdi (“Leonora addio” is an aria from Troubadour) nor is there any reference to Pirandello’s short story bearing the same title.

But ultimately removing means reiterating a lack e this film is a hymn – subdued but shrill – to what is not there: life and with it the rationality that guides human actions.

A scene from the film

A scene from the film “Leonora addio” by Paolo Taviani

Self the first part of the film, in black and whiteretraces the tragicomic adventure of Pirandello’s ashes which took fifteen years to find rest where the Nobel Prize had wanted (“in the rough stone”), the second – in color – gives shape to the latest novel written by Pirandello, Nailwhere the madness of life is at the origin of death.

Like this, a death for which a burial cannot be found is followed by a death which seems to have no explanationboth to reiterate a lack, the same that Paolo Taviani immediately underlined, with the dedication to his brother Vittorio.

A film about the many faces of losstransformed by force of style into a stone guest, which is never mentioned but which cannot be erased.
For those who want to confront the intelligence of a great author.

