Leonor, the future Queen who follows herself with her cell phone

There are just a few hours left until the princess’s oath and enthronement as heir to the crown of Spain Eleanor, in the Congress of Deputies. I would like to highlight the ‘Weekly Report’ (TVE1) on Saturday. There they asked themselves: how do that generation called Z, which are young people her age, see the future Queen?

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They made us three university students, 18 years old, sitting on a staircase, with our mobile phones on and looking at each other. Eleanor through the screens. They had this dialogue: «Aunts, have you seen her at the Princess of Asturias Awards? / No, aunt / she Well, she looked gorgeous / I love her dress / she’s wearing her mother’s earrings, right? / How beautiful! She has great hair! She/she looks super happy/she is similar to us, she is not a robot/she is a normal person, of course. This was the conversation. From the outset we see what we already knew: that they don’t watch TV, they watch their cell phones. Brief glimpses of the current situation. Also that his observation of Eleanor It’s similar to when you look at a TikTok or Instagram ‘influencer’: the dress, the earrings, the ‘great hair’, that she’s not a robot and how pretty she is. It is meditable.

Another moment seemed remarkable to me. When the program, with emphasis, informed us: “Leonor is called to be the third titular Queen of Spain!” They left it like that. They did not specify. Ah! It has been a precautionary measure. In these moments of monarchical celebration it is not advisable to dwell on the two previous queens. Joan the Crazy She ended up locked up for 46 years in a row. To the other, Isabel IIprecursor of Juan Carlos I In the art of collecting lovers, they married her to an extra, Francis of Assisi, who was called ‘Doña Paquita’ because he was homosexual; He had 12 children, many died after childbirth, and none of the poor Francis of Assisiof course, and in the end Isabel He had to leave quickly, settling in Paris, in a palace now transformed into a hotel owned by Chinese people from Hong Kong. That in ‘Weekly Report’ they have preferred to tiptoe over the two previous queens is a measure of mercy. So as not to bitter the celebration that they are now going to solemnize. But later on Leonor they should assign her some preceptor to enlighten her. I would lean towards Juan Eslava Galan. Rigorous master of historical dissemination, he practices skepticism and withdrawal. In the face of royal pomp and pageantry, he teaches us to relativize.
