Leonardo lost his virginity at the age of 29 – The reason is unbelievable

Leonardo Machado lost half his weight and lost his virginity.

Illustration picture. Tero Vesalainen / a.o.p

A Brazilian competing in bodybuilding Leonardo Machado says that he finally lost his virginity at the age of 29.

British newspaper The Sun writes about Machado, who only a few years ago weighed 200 kilos. He was so overweight that doctors warned he might not even live to thirty.

The brassiere described being a “freak” when he was younger, who never dared to talk to women. He started avoiding dating because a woman he approached once publicly humiliated him.

The separation was followed by porn addiction and the destruction of self-confidence.

One day, however, Machado found his way to the gym, and an amazing transformation began. After years of sweating it out, Machado, 31, now calls himself “Leo the Machine.”

He is now half the weight he was when he started the lifestyle overhaul.

With his muscular body, Machado has found his confidence again. Today, he poses on bodybuilding stages and is also active in the relationship market.

The Brazilian approached the woman for the first time in a long time specifically at the gym.

– I was really embarrassed, but I looked at myself in the mirror and said that I am no longer the same guy as before. I have nothing to fear, and I don’t. I am a completely different man now, he said.
