León registers an earthquake of magnitude 4.3 on the Richter scale

ANDThe Leonese municipality of Villamejil recorded early this Saturday afternoon epicenter of a earthquake magnitude 4.3 of the Richter scale, which has been felt in the own region of La Cepeda, in the vicinity of Astorga, in El Bierzo, the Páramo, the Montaña Central, the banks of the Órbigo and even in León, Servimedia reports.

The National Geographic Institute first reported that the earthquake had occurred in Quintana del Castillo, at 2:46 p.m., a municipality located 12 kilometers from the location where the incident later took place, a depth of five kilometerssignificantly less than the 18 kilometers initially provided.

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Neighbors from various towns have assured the Ical news agency that the earthquake was perceived clearly, with a kind of noise in some places, which caused some concern in more than one case. Other testimonies have reported that some objects and belongings had trembled at that time, for initially unknown reasons. A witness told RTVE that the earthquake had reminded him of the passage of a Metro that does not circulate very deep and that no damage had been reported.

The earthquake has also reached Zamorano territory, specifically Benavente and surrounding areas and has also arrived in the Principality of Asturias, where it was felt in towns such as Oviedo, Gijón, and Avilés.
