Leo Messi’s message to Roger Federer

09/15/2022 at 23:25


The Argentine has dedicated a few words to the tennis player after the announcement of his retirement

“We will miss seeing you on the court making us enjoy ourselves,” Leo wrote.

Roger Federer announced his retirement from tennis, and there have been many messages of support and affection that he has received. One of them, another considered the best in history in his sport, Leo Messi.

The footballer decided to post a publication on his social networks in which he dismisses Roger as the one he was, “an example for any athlete”.

“A genius, unique in the history of tennis and an example for any athlete. The best in your new stage, we will miss seeing you on the court making us enjoy, Roger Federer”is read in the publication of Leo Messi.

The Swiss tennis player will end his career at the age of 41, when the Laver Cup ends. Federer closes a glorious 24-year career with 20 Grand Slams behind him and an incalculable legacy. And Messi did not want to pass up the opportunity to send him a message. From one of the best to another of the best.
