Leo Messi reveals his future at SPORT!

On at 20:37


arabian, USA either barcathe three options that the former FC Barcelona soccer player is considering

Leo Messi finally defoliates the daisy. The Argentine player has already made the decision that the world of football has been waiting for weeks. Messi announces this choice during an exclusive interview that he has offered to only two media outlets, the SPORT newspaper and Mundo Deportivoon Wednesday afternoon in Paris.

There was no one else but the microphones of the representatives of both media outlets based in Barcelona. (Albert Masnou from SPORT and Fernando Polo from Mundo Deportivo) and shortly, starting at 9:00 p.m. (CET) Spanish time, all readers will be able to find out the outcome of Messi’s decision.

The meeting took place this afternoon at his home in Paris, a home that he is leaving immediately and definitively after his decision not to continue playing for PSG.

Leo Messi had three options on the table: Go back to Barcelona, ​​go to play in Saudi Arabia or play in the MLS at Inter Miami. He has kept one.

The Argentine player, who finished the season last weekend, does not want to extend this uncertainty that invades the football planet and during this interview he reveals the reasons that have led him to make this decision.

It has been a choice that has been made in the last few hours, so all the information that have been appearing in recent days did not conform to reality because Leo had not yet made up his mind. Now yes.

This is a unique event in the world that the readers of SPORT will have the opportunity to see first hand, from the player’s own voice who also argues the reason for his choice. Enjoy it.
