Length jumper Kristian Pulli is engaged

SE jumper Kristian Pulli is engaged.

Kristian Pulli jumped ninth in the Tokyo Olympics with a score of 792. Pasi Liesimaa

Finland’s number one long jump cannon Kristian Pulli is engaged.

Bull tells of his engagement Kerenwith their loved ones on their Instagram account.

– You make me so happy, Keren. I am very happy to share my life with you until the end.

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Bull’s relationship pattern last summer also caused a bit of bad blood. The tall man did not take part in last year’s Kaleva Games or the Swedish match, but after a heavy season headed to Africa to holiday with his current fiancée.

Pulli, who represents Oulu Pyrintö at the club level, is the holder of the Finnish record for the long jump. He jumped to a record 827 years two years ago in June.

The bull broke then Tommi Evilän jumped the Finnish record by five cents in 2008.
