Lena Meriläinen can’t wait to retire – She just hopes that her worst fear doesn’t come true

Lena Meriläinen tells Iltalehti that the role in the Syke series will be her last.

Lena Meriläinen, 69, knocks on a wooden table. According to the old saying, the reason for knocking on wood is to secure happiness and health, which the actor has been enjoying a lot lately.

BeatMeriläinen, who is known for her role as Lenita in the series, is currently thinking about when she will decide to retire.

– I’m doing a so-called “financial statement” when I’ve gotten older. Every spring I wonder if I will continue my work. In addition, I generally think about what has been done in life, he tells Iltalehte at the Syke series press conference.

Lena Meriläinen thinks every spring if she wants to retire. Jenni Gästgivar

Meriläinen states that he does not want to retire. What makes him always postpone his retirement days and continue working in the Syke series?

– It’s so nice and fascinating. We have such an incredibly great group and we meet each other in our personal lives as well. I feel like I’m missing out on something nice if I leave here, he states.

The pros and cons

According to Meriläinen, the good thing about retirement age is that you don’t have to think about how age affects getting roles.

– I can very well think that my role is done now. This Lenita character is my last, and I no longer market myself in any way, the actress states.

– But you never know. It may be that I will do this job for the rest of my life if a nice offer comes along. But I no longer have to worry about whether I will get roles, or whether I will be unemployed, he adds.

Lena Meriläinen says that the Lenita role will be her last. He is often seen in the series with Valtteri Lehtinen’s Leevi character. Jenni Gästgivar

Meriläinen is currently hoping that he will be able to grow old healthy and in good shape. That’s what the actor is, but still he is tormented by the fear of getting sick from one disease in particular.

– My mother fell ill with Alzheimer’s disease, and I took care of her for eight years. It haunts me a little in the sense that “I wish nothing like that happened to me”, says the actor.

– It has bothered me a lot. That’s a really big fear of mine. I watch myself a little too much because I’m afraid it might happen to me too. I noticed when I cared for my mother as a close friend, that it was such a horrible disease, he continues.

The actor often eases his fear with one method in particular.

– To the annoyance of my loved ones, I do a lot of talking about it, the actor laughs.

– It’s one of my ways of taking care of myself: when I’m anxious, I break it down by talking to others about it, he adds at the end.
