Leiden Media Fund Impact Prize in the rematch | NOW

This year, the Leiden Media Fund is offering a prize of 5,000 euros for a journalistic production that has led to change in Leiden or the Leiden region. The first Impact Prize will be awarded on September 15, 2022. The fund wanted to award the first Impact Prize in March of this year, but there were too few entries.

Journalistic productions published in 2021 are eligible for the prize. It does not matter whether these were created with or without support from the fund. The winner can spend the money on a journalistic research project of their choice. This is separate from the two annual application rounds of the Leiden Media Fund.

The aim of the prize is to promote research and deepening of local journalism. That is also the main task of the Leiden Media Fund. “The prize is for a journalistic production that has been noticed by the target group and thus delivered the intended result,” says fund chairman Bob Nieman. “This includes changing insights, public debate, discussion in politics or, for example, going to court.”

An independent jury determines who will receive the prize. Before that, makers can be nominated or nominate themselves. The jury will select a top 3 from the shortlist, which will also be presented to five hundred Leiden residents who are part of an online ‘Leiden Panel’. The outcome of the panel is an advice to the jury and is intended to assist in the selection of suitable productions.

The jury consists of:
Marisa Monsanto, President (independent consultant in the cultural sector)
Cor Klein (former culture official at the municipality of Leiden, was one of the founders of the Leids Mediafonds)
Ionica Smeets (professor of science communication at Leiden University, former board member of the Leiden Media Fund)

The deadline for submitting nominations is July 1.
