Legends comment: Jokers back in the SM League?

The Finnish Hockey League needs more local games.

The star players of Tappara’s back years would welcome the Jokers into the League with open arms.

On the condition that the club’s backing company is Finnish-owned.

– Jokers bring color to the League. I think the return of the team would be a great thing, he says Janne Ojanen 876 Championship league experience.

– Jokers is a traditional team, it has a lot of fans. The team is definitely welcome to the League on my behalf, Ojanen, 54, continues.

Mäntylä: “Top job”

According to Tuukka Mäntylä, the return of the Jokers to the League would be a great thing for the players. TIMO KUNNARI

Tuukka Mäntylä, who won two Finnish championships in Tappara, is also sympathetic to the return of the Helsinki team.

– Hockey needs derbyes. It has been seen with Ilves and Tappara. And the audience is definitely looking forward to the games between HIFK and the Jokers. It creates a confrontation and a hate-love relationship. Topics for sports and hockey are needed.

– From the player’s point of view, this would be a great thing, a top job. Yes, the Finnish Jokers are good for everyone, Mäntylä says.

Jutila: “Hundreds of Juniors”

Timo Jutila knows that the Jokers need to put things right before returning to the League. TIMO KUNNARI

Timo Jutila was winning Finland’s first world hockey championship at the 1995 World Championships as team captain.

The killer legend is reminiscent of the Jokers ’extensive junior work.

– The club has a great junior job, there are hundreds of children involved. The return of the Jokers to the League would definitely be a positive thing.

– Things are in order and welcome to the League, Juti summarizes.

Harkimo made an account

HIFK and the Jokers fought in the regular season match of the Finnish Championship League on December 28, 2013. Henrik Koivisto (left), Jason DeSantis and Jarkko Ruutu. Petteri Paalasmaa

The Jokers announced on Wednesday that the club aims to return to the Finnish Championships for the period 2023–24.

– We have a lot of work to do in building our league eligibility and a new ownership base is currently being sought alongside me. I am confident that we will be able to meet all the criteria required by the League, owner of the Jokers Jari Kurri said.

It will be interesting to see which parties sign up to sponsor the Jokerie backing company in the coming months.

The fate of Ilmala Arena, the former Hartwall Arena, is also completely open.

Money talked and the Hartwall arena changed hands in 2013, when businessman Harry Harkimo sold the arena to Russian-Finnish billionaires, Gennady Timtchenko and the Rotenberg family.

Everyone is believed to belong to the circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, Harkimo announced that the Jokerit will leave the Finnish Championships and will play in the Russian-led KHL for the 2014–2015 season.

Later, Harkimo also relinquished ownership of the club’s backing company.

Now the Jokerit is building a return to the League after a sadly ended KHL journey. The club played in the Eastern League for eight seasons.

Jokerit Hockey Club Oy has the support of the junior organization Helsingin Jokerit ry, which owns the rights to the logo and name of the Helsinki Association.
