Legambiente: pollution out of control, here are the worst cities

LPollution is a serious problem that afflicts Italian cities and that despite the calls to do more, has not yet been solved at all. The latest report by Legambiente “Mal’Air of the city. Change of pace wanted” he speaks clearly and what he says is not good news at all.

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«Air pollution is not only an environmental problem, but also a major health problem – explained Stefano Ciafani, national president of Legambiente. In Europe it is the leading cause of death premature due to environmental factors e Italy records a sad record with more than 52,000 deaths per yearequal to 1/5 of those detected throughout the continent”.

Legambiente: pollution out of control

Indeed, in 2022, 29 out of 95 cities have exceeded the daily limits of fine particles (Pm10) with Turin, Milan Modena, Asti, Padua and Venice which recorded more than double the allowed overruns.

If you then take them as a reference the new European targets foreseen for 2030the situation is even more critical with 76% of cities not abiding by the law.

Legambiente’s annual report is clear and it’s not good news. (Getty Images)

The worst cities for fine particles

The report examined the provincial capitals, both in terms of the levels of fine dust (Pm10, Pm2.5) that of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). As regards the first pollutant, it was found that 29 of the 95 cities monitored exceeded the 35-day limit with a daily average of more than 50 micrograms/cubic metre.

The worst ever Turin which takes first place with 98 days of overrunfollowed by Milan with 84, Asti 79, Modena 75, Padua And Venice with 70 effectively doubling the number of allowed overruns.

It doesn’t do better Cremona with its 67 days of overrun, Treviso 66, Mantua, Rovigo with 65, Reggio Emilia 64, Alexandria63, Ferrara and Frosinone with 61, Brescia and Vicenza 60, Lodi and Verona 59, Monza 58 and Pavia 55 who exceeded 50 days of overruns. No city has exceeded the annual limit, but this figure for Legambiente is not sufficient to guarantee the health of citizens.

The cities most polluted by nitrogen dioxide (No2)

The data shows that all cities comply with the current regulatory limit (40 μg/mc), but 57 cities (61% of the sample analysed) do not fall within the new benchmark to be achieved by 2030 (20 μg/mc).

The cities that reported the highest annual average values I am:

  • Milan (38 μg/mc)
  • Turin (37μg/mc)
  • Palermo (35 μg/mc)
  • Como (35 μg/mc)
  • Catania (34 μg/mc)
  • Rome (33μg/mc)
  • Monza (31 μg/mc)
  • Trento (31 μg/mc)
  • Bolzano (31 μg/mc)
  • Florence (30 μg/mc)
  • Genoa (30 μg/mc)
  • Padua (30 μg/mc)

Pollution: the problem is health

“It is necessary act urgently to safeguard public health – continues Ciafani – introducing effective and integrated policies that affect the various sources of smog, from mobility to heating of buildings, from industry to agriculture».

Furthermore, in the urban context «the promotion of concrete actions on sustainable mobility through major investments in public transport and the redesign of the city space with pedestrianization and zone 30. But also policies that facilitate the choice to greatly reduce the use of the private car. We ask the Government, the Regions and the Municipalities to implement courageous actions to create cleaner and safer cities. Health is a fundamental right that cannot be compromised».

