Left in Bremen votes for coalition agreement with SPD and Greens

BREMEN (dpa-AFX) – After the SPD and the Greens, the left in Bremen also voted for the red-green-red coalition agreement. The parties thus paved the way for a continuation of the tripartite alliance in the smallest federal state. At a left state party conference on Sunday, a clear majority of the delegates voted to accept the coalition agreement, as the party announced. SPD and Greens had already voted in favor on Saturday with a clear majority.

According to the party, the left-wing politician Kristina Vogt was proposed as Senator for Economics and Ports and Claudia Bernhard as Senator for Health, Care, Women and Consumer Protection.

Red-Green-Red have governed together in the smallest federal state since 2019. The new coalition agreement is to be signed on Monday before the Bremen parliament will elect the new Senate next Wednesday./mni/DP/he
