Left demo for Walpurgis Night in Wedding

From BZ

The usual left-wing demonstrations in Berlin around Walpurgis Night and May Day began on Sunday in Wedding.

In the afternoon there was a march under the motto “Peace instead of capitalism – stop the arms race and end poverty” in the direction of Gesundbrunnen – it remained peaceful.

According to the police, about 650 participants were present. A police spokesman said everything went smoothly.

Banners read: “Revolution – fight for socialism”, “Stop NATO” and “Stop the war against Russia”. No weapons for Ukraine. For the defeat of NATO.”

Queer feminist demo – men not allowed

A left-wing demonstration by women entitled “Take back the night. Queer Feminist Demonstration” has been announced. Men were expressly not wanted. 500 participants were registered. In recent years, more than 2,000 people have come, chanting aggressive chants against the police. Individuals lit Bengal fire and smoked the streets with smoke pots.

Demonstrators at the demonstration in Wedding

Demonstrators at the demonstration in Wedding Photo: Christian Mang / Reuters

3400 police officers on Walpurgis Night in Berlin

According to their own statements, the police had up to 3,400 officers on duty on Sunday. Support came from Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Thuringia, Schleswig-Holstein and from the federal police.

In the afternoon, she reported on Twitter with the message: “The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and it’s #Walpurgisnacht.” According to a police spokeswoman, everything was initially calm.

May Day itself is again the occasion for numerous demonstrations through Berlin on Monday. The main focus of the police is the usual “Revolutionary May Day demonstration” of left and radical left groups from Neukölln to Kreuzberg. The police expect 10,000 to 15,000 participants. In the past, there have been repeated outbreaks of violence at the demonstration, mainly by left-wing rioters.

In the afternoon, left-wing groups want to move through the villa district of Grunewald with satirical actions and demonstrations. According to the police, 6,300 officers were on duty throughout the long weekend. Berlin’s new governing mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) hopes for demonstrations without violence. “I wish that we all experience a peaceful May 1st,” he told the RBB broadcaster.
