Lecce, Sticchi Damiani to poison: “There were two penalties, we demand respect”

After a tense game: the president of the Salento club attacks the referee Pairetto after the match against Monza

“Two penalties denied, in a game that we defeated and deserved to win.” In the post-match of Lecce-Monza, the president of the Giallorossi Saverio Sticchi Damiani furiously criticized the decisions of the referee Pairetto and the assistants present in the Var room.


“Already two years ago, in the last Serie A season, Lecce was penalized by the referees’ choices, which contributed to the failure to reach the goal of salvation – explained the president of the Salento club -. This year we want be clear right away: we demand respect. In the second half we saw two obvious hand fouls, Pairetto should have given us two penalties without even asking for the help of the Var “.


The disputes relate to the actions in the 72nd and 93rd minutes of the match: first Molina and then Pablo Marí touched the ball with one arm inside the area, sparking protests from Hjulmand and his teammates. “Molina tries to deflect the ball with his arm, succeeding – continued Sticchi Damiani -. The foul is clearly voluntary, but the penalty has not been awarded. I am embarrassed with my fans, because when there is a doubtful episode I always try to put myself in the referee’s shoes, trying to justify his actions. This time, however, it is not really possible ”.
