Lecce, Baroni: “We lack the results but also a good performance against Napoli”

The Lecce coach analyzed his team’s performance after the defeat against Napoli

Sixth consecutive defeat of Lecce today beaten at home by Napoli. The comment of the Giallorossi coach Marco Baroni to the microphones of Dazn: “Despite the defeat I believe we are on the right path. The performance was there and tonight the team was alive. A high level match was played against the leaders with compactness and pressure and we also had some chances. For this we are angry but we must not lose conviction. I congratulate the boys even if it is tough after six defeats in a row, but we look at the next matches with our heads held high. We are lacking results but we must have It’s clear what our path is and we don’t need to worry about it. We need to remain balanced in order to be able to start again soon. Right now we pay dearly for everything but the team has the mental strength to turn around and I’m confident.”
