Leave VAT on food as it is

BZ editor Larissa Hoppe comments on the planned VAT increase in gastronomy

BZ editor Larissa Hoppe comments on the planned VAT increase in gastronomy Photo: Ralf Günther / BZ assembly

By Larissa Hoppe

A visit to a restaurant. For many, a luxury that has become rare. At 15 euros per main course, which is still little in some restaurants, and drinks for two people quickly add up to 50 euros. Lot of money.

Increased prices for food, energy, rent, staff – the restaurateur has to be financed for all of this. OK so far.

Now the VAT on food is to be increased again. The break during the corona pandemic is over.

But crisis mode is not. Only now he gives another cause. Inflation eats away the last euro. If the prices in the restaurant continue to rise, even fewer guests threaten to come. A danger for local and workplaces.

It is too short-sighted if you want to flush more money into the state coffers by increasing VAT. If the restaurateurs end up bankrupt, nothing is gained in terms of taxes. So just leave it.


Gastro gastronomy VAT
