Learning to achieve success is possible

After 15 uninterrupted years working in different industries, reaching managerial and leadership positions, Mariano Niel, Bachelor of Administration with a Master’s in Finance, is today one of the most recognized strategic coaches, as well as CEO at @roomin, a platform to develop hybrid or directly virtual events. “My main experience is in opening markets at a general level, often representing Argentine companies, and others representing foreign companies, also taking their products to different markets,” explains Mariano who, despite his experience, continues to train. “at the University of Leaders with international certification that validates this experience. I am a person who believes that education and training should be continuous. In whatever you like, whether it’s a hobby, whether it’s a professional part, it’s always good to read, learn, “he says.

– What is strategic coaching? Is it for both companies and entrepreneurs?

Yes, I work with multinational companies such as SMEs or entrepreneurs, who often do everything and don’t know how to delegate. Something I teach them to do. It’s fundamental. A manager must be in decision-making, not in day-to-day work. He has to have collaborators who allow him to do his planning work. I consider coaching as the possibility of educating and training people in what they need. Give them the tools so they can continue to grow and develop. It is not to change or do the function for them, but to give them the materials and tools so that they can later do it on their own. First, the problem is stated, the need that the company has or where it is aiming; an analysis is made on that to find out what state the company is in, a kind of snapshot of the moment, to later propose options and work on each area on a timely basis. If it is a specific area that has the problem, work is done on that area or, if not, globally. Every company is a team. And each unit has to work properly for everything to be perfect. After that, yes, it goes with each person from each area, seeing the theme and what needs to be worked on, giving them the tools so that they can later develop it on their own.

– How do you work with company employees in each area?

The ideal, always, is to work directly with the people of the company. Meet them, see their capabilities and empower each other. First, because my idea is not to replace anyone, but rather to help them unfold and believe in themselves and see the possibility. And here I also have to be very realistic and honest with myself and with the client. If I go to a company and I see that I cannot do what they need for X reason, I will tell them and I will advise them who can do it and guide them in that regard. The same thing that I apply to myself, I do to people. In other words, you have to see the capabilities of each one and also what the limitations are. Not to separate them from the group, but so that they themselves can ask for help or say this is as far as my knowledge goes.

– Approximately how long does the service you offer require?

The analysis of a medium or micro company takes, more or less, between a week and three. That is to make an analysis of the moment, to have a photograph of the current situation of the company, where the numbers and balances are seen, how they make purchases, etc. It also has a lot to do with what technology they use. Nowadays it allows you to save time, buy better and have metrics. When starting a business, many people only consider the merchandise, packaging, logistics and two other points as costs, but they forget a lot of costs such as banking costs, taxes, the tax burden, etc.

– Do you have plans or packages of armed services?

Each company is a new world and I need to have two or three talks with them so they can tell me about the structure and how they work so that I can develop a specific plan. This is necessary because there are companies that are family-owned, there are SMEs that are managed by a director with many employees and then larger companies with their thousands of structures and organization charts and divided into different areas.

– Is it an expensive service?

No, it is not expensive. When we propose the scheme for a company, there are stipulated basic fixed costs of fees and then it goes to results. I pretend that the company has results and that is what we work on. If they win, I’m happy.

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