Learn more about Arttu Wiskar’s health

Arttu Wiskari said that during the weekend he had to suspend his tour due to health concerns.

Arttu Wiskari posted a dramatic update on Twitter over the weekend. Minna Jalovaara

Vocalist Arttu Wiskari posted a picture on Twitter on Sunday that he said he had to change to tour ambulance. In its recent Finnish update, Wiskari clarifies what the update is about.

– We are at home and feel much better. In the future, I will definitely take the flu vaccine, Wiskari writes on Facebook.

– The hardest part here is that the doctor told me to take ten days. What to do? Are there any suggestions? The musician asks his some followers.

On Sunday, Wiskari said he had to suspend his tour due to an ambulance ride.

– The Suomussalmi-Oulu gigs were still to be pulled over the Lapland round, but unfortunately the gig bus changed to an ambulance. Everything is fine here and strength is slowly recovering, Wiskari wrote on Twitter on Sunday.
