Leadership Based on Values ​​- PNT

In electoral times in Argentina, I consider it important to open the debate around leadership, thinking of it as a value. At times where politicians, their parties and the institutions in which they work generate less and less trust in citizens, leadership based on values, in my opinion, emerges as an opportunity to guide organizations and communities to build new relationships and sustainable and meaningful networks of trust.

To this panorama of mistrust, or perhaps because of it, added to the fact that we find ourselves in what some call around VUCAacronym for volatility, uncertainty (uncertainty, in English), complexity and ambiguity. That is, elements that contribute to further weaken trust in political institutions and reaffirm the imperative need that it is time for the characteristics for effective political leadership to be different from those of other political, social and economic contexts.

What is values-based leadership?

Values-based leadership implies that leaders make decisions and act in accordance with a set of fundamental ethical and moral principles. These values ​​not only guide the leader’s actions, but are also reflected in the culture and behavior of the organization or community he leads. This approach promotes integrity, responsibility and consistency in all actions and decisions.

Why is values-based leadership important?

Values-based leadership is essential because it establishes a solid foundation for ethical and responsible decision-making. When leaders adhere to a set of shared values, they build trust and respect among their followers and foster a culture of transparency and consistency. Additionally, this approach helps organizations keep their purpose and mission at the center of all their actions.

As a Graduate in Political Science and Professional Ontological Coach, I consider that coaching can be a powerful tool to develop leadership based on values, an opportunity to accompany leaders to explore their own beliefs and values, identify any gap between what they value and their values. current actions, and develop the self-awareness necessary to align your actions with your core values. Ontological coaching also promotes self-reflection and self-learning, allowing leaders to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and how they impact others.

Values-based leadership is not only a growing trend, but a prevailing need in today’s world. Leaders who are guided by strong values ​​are more effective in making decisions, building trust, and building lasting relationships. Ontological coaching is a valuable tool for cultivating authentic, values-based leadership as it encourages self-awareness, self-reflection, and alignment of actions with core values. By embracing this approach, leaders can make a difference in their organizations and communities, promoting a more ethical and sustainable future.

Instagram: @eugeniacartier_coach

Cell: +54 9 11 5614-1884

Mail: cartiereugenia@gmail. com


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