Leadership and resilience in the Annual Evaluation – Brand

I said previously that an inspiring leader is someone who has taken a path of self-knowledge, and as international studies show today, someone who shows themselves as they are, human, vulnerable, and manages from there.

At this time of year, the annual evaluation is presented as a great opportunity in the life of teams and organizations. Individual leaders, if they want to take the opportunity, thus have a great opportunity to work on resilience in the team. First you have to have moments with yourself to reflect on your action in the challenges of the year that ends: learning, what you can maintain as you do, what cannot be repeated, what you can foresee, what skills or knowledge you need to acquire, what you need help with. As you work on your leadership, you will be able to find moments of feedback with some members of your team to help you see your role from another angle. This will be a moment of retrospective on the person themselves and not assigning responsibilities to their collaborators. It is time to contemplate yourself as the protagonist of your role that allows you to capitalize on what you have observed, to be resilient.

Today in the business field, resilience is a highly sought-after skill, since those who have developed it can face challenges, overcome obstacles, capitalize on experience and lead successfully.

The conscious annual evaluation with a resilient perspective is a long-term commitment for both the leader and the team. A requirement for success is to clearly communicate its purpose to the team, and establish coexistence agreements in which it will be developed. It will be proposed: to remember the challenges of the past year, how they were overcome, what is needed to do it better, what can be recorded as learning and/or protocol; recognize and celebrate all the learning and achievements (this stage never has to be bitter but rather hopeful). The team’s resilience is based on the commitment to growth and the trust that mistakes are part of life, that we can learn and come out stronger. Perhaps the need arises for training, mentoring and other collaborative spaces that allow continuous improvement.

In conclusion, the annual personal evaluation as a leader and with the team is the basis for developing resilience. A team that listens to its leader’s self-evaluation (not taking responsibility for everything bad about the team but from his role and action), invites its collaborators to also be protagonists of their role, promoting trust, authenticity and certainty of recovery if we all work together.

In a changing world of work, the flexibility that resilience provides becomes the basis of leadership and teams.

Happy holidays on behalf of all of us at Koru Academy

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Web: https://academiakoruliderazgo.com

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