Leader of the Dutch youth party is free again after disrupting NOS debate | Elections Netherlands

The Dutchman is not allowed to be near the House of Representatives on election night, Wednesday evening, until early Thursday morning. “We will look at how the case will be dealt with later,” says the lawyer.

The leader of the relatively unknown youth party was in the audience on Tuesday during the final debate, which took place in the lobby of the temporary House of Representatives in The Hague. He came on stage during a debate and shouted from close range at the politicians from VVD, NSC and GroenLinks-PvdA that they belong to the “old politics”. He told VVD leader Dilan Yeşilgöz that her party should “never come to power again”.

The police arrested Van Duijn for disrupting a public meeting or demonstration. He was also arrested for unruliness because he did not cooperate during his arrest. Van Duijn previously disrupted the broadcast of the discussion program Buitenhof by pasting a poster of his party on the window of the recording location.
