Leader… Are you born or made?

Do you consider yourself a leader? What should we know about it?

Is a leader born or made?

What types of leadership do we know?

Which one do you identify with?

We can define leadership as the set of managerial skills or the directives that an individual has to influence the way of being and acting of people or in a certain work group, making this team work with Enthusiasm towards achieving your goals and objectives.

When we speak of a leadership style, we refer to the behaviors characteristics of a leader when directing, motivating, guiding and managing groups of people. Great leaders can inspire political movements and social changes. They can also motivate others to perform, create and innovate.

Over the years, researchers have developed different theories and frameworks that allow us to better identify and understand different leadership styles. The following are just some of the most prominent leadership frameworks and styles that have been identified:

Authoritarian or autocratic leadership

these leaders provide clear expectations of what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how it needs to be done. A clear division is established between the leader and the members of him. Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the group.

Authoritarian leadership is best applied in situations where there is little time for group decision making, and when the situation calls for quick decisions and decisive action. However, it tends to create dysfunctional and even hostile environments, often pitting followers against the dominating leader.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

The researchers found that children under laissez-fair leadership were the least productive, made more demands on the leader, demonstrated little cooperation, and were unable to work independently. Negative leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision making to group members.. While this style can be useful in situations involving highly skilled experts, it often leads to poorly defined roles and a lack of motivation.

Lewin noted that laissez-faire leadership tended to lead to groups that lacked direction where members blamed each other for mistakes, refused to accept personality responsibility, and produced a lack of progress and work.

Democratic or participatory leadership

Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members, but they also participate in the group and allow other group members to collaborate..

Democratic leaders encourage group members to participate, but retain the final say in the decision-making process. Group members feel engaged in the process and are more motivated and creative. Participative leaders tend to make followers feel like they are an important part of the team, which helps foster commitment to group goals.

transformational leadership style

Transformational leadership is often identified as the most effective style. It was first described in the late 1970s and later expanded upon by researcher Bernard M. Bass. Some of the key characteristics of his leadership style are the skills to motivate and inspire followers and to lead positive changes in groups.

Transformational leaders tend to be emotionally intelligent, energetic, and passionate. They commit not only to helping the organization achieve its goals, but also to helping group members fulfill their potential.

Research has revealed that this leadership style has higher performance and satisfaction in the group than other styles.

transactional leadership style

View the leader-follower relationship as a transaction. By accepting a position as a member of the group, the individual has agreed to obey the leader. In most situations, this involves the employer-employee relationship, and the transaction focuses on the follower completing their tasks thanks to monetary compensation.

One of the main advantages of this style is that create clearly defined roles. People know what is required of them and what they will receive in return for completing these tasks. It also allows leaders to offer a great deal of supervision and direction if needed. Group members may also be motivated to perform well in order to receive rewards. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it tends to stifle creativity and divergent thinking.

Perhaps the following is one of the most common questions in the business world: Is a leader born or made? While some people already have certain traits built in from birth, the reality is that anyone can fill a leadership role. The question lies in how… You can acquire different skills and strategies and enhance all your natural resources with Psychotherapy!

Marcela Siciliano

Degree in Psychology.

MN 36,920

Specialist in couples therapy.

Individual, couple, relationship, group and family psychotherapy.

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Awakening Center.

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