Lead towards the sun: holidaymakers choose to drive earlier for fear of ‘horror traffic jams’ | Financial


The best of De Telegraaf

The Romeijn family is all set for the trip to Spain.  Just to be sure, a day earlier and for the first time with two electric cars.  Grandpa Romeijn (behind the wheel) hopes that there are enough charging places on the way.

The Romeijn family is all set for the trip to Spain. Just to be sure, a day earlier and for the first time with two electric cars. Grandpa Romeijn (behind the wheel) hopes that there are enough charging places on the way.

Amsterdam – Central Netherlands is already getting a holiday this weekend. But those who thought they could get into the car carefree towards the sun so early in the season will be disappointed. Saturday is already the first of a total of five so-called ‘black Saturdays’ on the calendar. For many people reason to leave a day earlier to avoid getting stuck in endless traffic jams…
