Lea Laven regrets one thing in particular – Leaving the love of her life

Singer Lea Laven says in an interview with Kotiliesi magazine that the coldness was an obstacle to reconciliation.

Lea Laven, who has had a long career, was photographed by Iltalehti in August. Jussi Eskola

Iskelmä singer Lea Laven tells Hearth– magazine, that at the age of 75 he is no longer looking for a new love in his life. Her third husband and the love of her life Ilkan the artist met when he was just under 40 years old.

In a recent interview, it appears that ending the relationship is something that Laven regrets “perhaps the most in his life”. Also, maintaining the image of an artist and the desire to withdraw into one’s own circumstances caused conflicting feelings in the singer at the beginning of her career.

– There is a really big contrast. I’m the one who goes to the corner to cry first. I’m not used to having to show my feelings to people, and I don’t want to. That’s why I created a kind of plexiglass between myself and the world. I thought that others couldn’t see through it, Laven tells Kotiliede.

Laven also went through conflicting feelings before breaking up with a long relationship that lasted more than ten years. The ex-couple remained good friends for years until Ilkka died about a year ago.

– Ilkka was an absolutely brilliant guy who was definitely not looking for anything in me but myself. He appreciated me very much, and so did I him. I trusted him one hundred percent and he trusted me. We had a good relationship, everything just worked. There was no need to explain anything. Still, I left.

Before the decision to leave, Laven moved from Naantal to Helsinki. However, the singer returned home after only 1.5 years, because the capital region no longer met expectations. At home in Naantali, the couple pondered the state of their relationship.

Laven decided to leave, even though there was enough trust and appreciation.

– That’s how things can go. I was so cold-hearted that I couldn’t reconcile. I can change my mind in two minutes on small things, but not on big things. When I decide something, it stays.

Source: Hearth
